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Mauer Park

nakedemperors@mail.com Sonstiges

The best thing to do to Mauer Park is to plant more trees for shade, and to build a simple, low depth swimming or sitting pool for summer with a sandy beach and light misty water spray that can also double as an icerink in winter. 

Mauer Park is the best park in the whole world, please protect in from real estate developers. 

Encourage more festivals in Mauer Park. I want to hold a huge vegan picnic at the beginning of sommer, late May and the end of summer mid to late September, with lots of vegan food wagons on a Saturday. . 

People from all over the world are amazed by Mauer Park. Also, please financially support the karaoke guy, he is Belrin's number ine attractiion. At least ask GEMA to waive his fees or the park authority can pay them. He works hard for very little money. 

I think it would be great to have a music day on Saturdays, where musicians are encouraged to perform from 14:00 to 19:00 in the amphitheatre. 

Also a huge screen for outdoor movies at night. 

More lighting at night so people feell more safe to walk there at night. 

Through the week, it could be used for sporting, like Frisbee Golf, basketball, handball wall, a running track for sprinters.

Best wishes




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Referenznr.: 2018-02896


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